Friday, 7 February 2014

use of this blog

Ok, today I start using the blog to collect together bits of research, as well as somewhere to put writing-ideas.  I am making more objets-textes assemblages, making space in my hallway. Strange as I have many ‘writing on objects’ planned, yet the appeal and enjoyment in the process of combination,
objets-textes at Kestle
summer 2013

objets-textes at Kestle
summer 2013
is greater. I teach for long hours now, so fragmented and fractured time components become very much part of them – part of the process of making:

On a table I collect together a series of objects that seem related, connected, or aesthetically bound, and loosely throw them together in groups. These are the beginnings of 5-8 new works. They sit, and in passing I play, re-arranging them, swopping items. I think, read, research about what they might mean. I keep a sketchbook, sketching different juxtapositions and jotting down words, poems, stories, imagining materials to add, and how I might arrange the text and in what medium. Each objets-textes becomes a little world, in which ideas are played with and re-arranged until they settled in some way. They are never quite finished. Often I re-visit, re-arrange and add – though not without up-dating my sketchbook. Because I forget.

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